My girlfriend and I run our businesses literally right next to each other in our home. Obviously her business is much more successful than mine, but hopefully I can catch up to her at some point. Her site - FEMDOM EMPIRE - is one of the leading femdom sites in the world. Right now I am working my butt off every day to make my sites better and more profitable.
Since we work side by side, obviously we help each other with our businesses as well. She designs all my boxcovers and provides valuable information on wed design, content, and layout. I do all of her booking, pick girls up from the airport, and organize her paperwork.
So the talent agents send me all of their new girls when they get them. I generally receive about 25 model emails a week from agents. Recently I got one from LA Direct Models about a new girl from Australia - Yasmin Scott - HERE
Fans of the Femdom Empire might know where I am going with this already. Direct Models has had 2 other Australian models who have been very successful for her (and many other companies).
So of course, we wanted to meet Yasmin and see if she would measure up. We had a nice dinner at the Cheesecake Factory with Derek Hay (the owner of LA Direct Models) and Yasmin. She was wonderful. Polite, articulate, well dressed, and of course very beautiful. We liked her immediately.
So when a shooting date opened up for us, we decided to give Yasmin a shot at it. We called Direct Models, booked her, and got it done.
She arrived at our home to get her makeup done by our fantastic makeup artist (MUA) Nancy. After the makeup was finished, I cornered her for an impromptu interview that you can see - HERE
How can you NOT like this girl? Those boobs! That accent! The body! The smile! Yummy!
The shoot went very well and you can expect to see all of her scenes on Femdom Empire very soon. Oh and as an added bonus, I got to the handjob clip myself! Let me tell you, she gives a fantastic handjob my friends.
I also added her big ass to my Tumblr about Big Butts - HERE
Then I dropped her off and took her back to Derek's house. We had a lovely day and she gave me one last flash of the boobs for the road.
If you want to interact with her more, hit her up on Twitter - HERE